If you listen closely, every poem on Bao’s CD is a love poem: rough-edged, raw, and scalding, or quiet enough to break your heart. Much will be said about his fearless politics and his power, but his words are also threaded with humor, humanity, and beauty – my brother is on a mission to keep us all knit tight, and to remind us how we are quilted together in this
October 29, 2002
Written and performed by Bao Phi Recorded and mixed by Larry Lucio, Jr. Artwork by Chamindika Wanduragala. Currently only available for digital download. Refugeography Disc 1 by Bao Phi TRACKLISTING You Bring Out… (inspired by Sandra Cisneros, “You Bring Out the Mexican In Me”) Intro (written and performed by Theresa Vu of Magnetic North) Today (ft. vocals by Emily Chang and Seng Chen on bass) Reverse Racism For Colored Boys