via the [ Star Tribune ]
I was going to write something for Asian Heritage month, then I got this link to the new video from the dynamic team up of Magnetic North, Taiyo Na, and Jin – and all I have to do is post this.
Derek aka Direct from Magnetic North worked on this for 2 and 1/2 years, a labor of love low on budget but big on community and love. Pretty amazing. It’s like an Asian American family reunion of artists, activists, writers, bloggers, dancers, martial artsts, cooks, comedians, ice cream makers, designers… I aim to watch this once and a while, and every time I watch it, I’ll make it Asian Heritage month whether it’s May or not.
There are so many inspiring (and fun) people in here that it’d be a disservice to try and name them all. But I have to give a special nudge to Yuri Kochiyama, who has worked for so long for social justice and inspired so many of us.
Thank you Direct, T-Vu, Taiyo and Jin.