Bao Phi

Surviving the Translation

Published in: Drumvoices Review: Words from 15 Cities: Poetic Voices of Contemporary Urban Cultures SUIE and EBR Writers Club, 2002 Legacy to Liberation: Writings from Revolutionary Asian America Edited by Fred Ho Big Red Media, 2000

Yellowbrown Babies for the Revolution

I wrote this poem thinking about Asian Americans and love… specifically, loving one another. Yes, romantically, but also in terms of friendships and family. The first stanza, wherein I tell y’all what this poem is NOT about, came into being when I realized a lot of haters would accuse me of certain things if I pushed for an Asian love agenda. I wanted to make sure that the way I

Knick Knacks

Published in: Body of Stories Journal of the Asian American Renaissance Volume 5, 2001

Ode to Dwight Okita

Published in: Asian Pacific American Journal Asian American Writer’s Workshop Volume 9, No. 2, 2001

An Asian Am Anthem

Published in: Bum Rush The Page! Def Poetry Jam Anthology Edited by Tony Medina and Louis Reyes Rivera Three Rivers Press, 2001

Dwight Hobbes

City kids have a hard, often despairing way to go: Thien-bao Phi delivers a lyrical testament to how they do it and still find magic in their world. – Dwight Hobbes, Pulse

Graydon Royce

Phi packs his rap with clear images and emotion, painting his city through your mind with a palette of words that tumble effortlessly out of his mouth – close to the street, breathing with the anxious verve of kids surviving the alley and tender with love stolen in an abandoned store. – Graydon Royce, Star Tribune


Published in: Legacy to Liberation: Writings from Revolutionary Asian America Edited by Fred Ho Big Red Media, 2000

Young Asian in Love and in Motion

Published in: Sexual ORIENTations Journal of the Asian American Renaissance Volume 3, 1998 Legacy to Liberation: Writings from Revolutionary Asian America Edited by Fred Ho Big Red Media, 2000

Act Like You Know

Published in: Legacy to Liberation: Writings from Revolutionary Asian America Edited by Fred Ho Big Red Media, 2000