Bao Phi

New review in L.A. Letters/Mike’s book release

My friend, the great poet Douglas Kearney, hipped me to this new review of my book in L.A. Letters on KCET, by Mike Sonksen. It was completely unexpected, and quite awesome. I’ll be performing tomorrow, May 21st, at Michael Mlekoday’s book release. I’m excited, as I get to share some new work – but moreso for Mike’s book. He’s an amazing poet, and if you haven’t experienced his work

Performing in Boulder this Week, and Nerds of Color

Hello all, I am taking a temporary break from my hiatus to perform for the good folks in Boulder. Hope to read some new poems. Here is the info: What: CollaborAsian Open Mic potluck with Bao Phi When: March 13th Time: 6:00PM-8:00PM Where: University of Colorado at Boulder, University Memorial Center 382 Cost: Free Also, I’ve been writing a few essays for the Nerds of Color site, which is awesome.

Angry Poetry Corner

Angry Asian Man published one of my poems, 8 (9), about murdered Hmong teenager Fong Lee. Thanks a million to Angry Asian Man and Cara Van Le for providing this space, I hope it raises some awareness of his life and the injustice he and his family suffer. Thanks also to the Fong Lee family for the permission to (re)print this poem online. Poem here. Peace and be safe.

The Orange County Lit Circle and Reading…

…made it onto the news! Here’s info posted on Nguoi Viet news: click me And here’s a mention in Asianweek: click me Last but not least… Angry Asian Man post here.

Asian American comic book anthology “Shattered”, in stores this week!

The Asian American comic book anthology “Shattered” is in stores this week, and widely available for order. Added to my bucket list: a character concept of mine is included in it, illustrated by acclaimed graphic novelist G.B. Tran, author of Vietnamerica. A bunch of us are doing special posts about Shattered. Here are some notes regarding the genesis of this project, from me and G.B., as well as an exclusive

Writers Get Their Nerd On

The great Tish Jones asked me to curate a show at Black Dog as a part of the Saint Paul Almanac’s Lowertown Jams series, and I decided to ask some of my fellow nerds of color to do a brown nerds reading. It happened tonight, to a packed crowd, and the legendary artist Ta-Coumba Aiken was there to do a live drawing of the event. Sheila Regan wrote a blog

Look ma! My New York show at MOCA made Angry Asian Man!!!

Click here Also, thanks to Gina Chung, Kai Ma, and OurChinatown for printing this interview of me.

Bao Phi: Sông I Sing East Coast Book Readings and Signings

Hello all, I will be doing a series of readings on the East Coast to promote my book. More details to follow. Thursday October 18 BOSTON Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center 38 Ash Street, Boston 6:30 p.m. 38 Ash Street Boston, MA Friday October 19 PHILADELPHIA Temple 5 p.m. Family Style/Asian Arts Initiative 7:30 p.m. $5-$10 sliding scale Asian Arts Initiative 1219 Vine St., Philadelphia, PA Saturday October 20 NEW YORK

Lin: 467 by Bao Phi and Joua Lee

Hello all, This poem and video was originally conceptualized at the height of Linsanity as one in a trilogy — the first, “Lin. Sanity” by Giles Li and Ash Hsie, was posted last week – here it is.   My poem’s title, “467” alludes to the rank Jeremy Lin had in the NBA prior to Linsanity.  It was inspiring to me, that someone who was told over and over again

2012 Best of Minnesota by the Strib/article on me and Ed

The Star Tribune recently launched their inaugural “Best of Minnesota” issue, and they picked this dork as the best Spoken Word artist: really? Just kidding. I’m really honored – big ups to Guante and everyone else in this strong MN spoken word community. Also, this is a bit late because the show is done, but Sheila Regan did a great piece on me and Ed recently for City Pages here.